Course: How to Deal with Porn Addiction - Quit Porn and Masturbation

Section 1: Purpose of this Course.

lesson 1

The first one is understanding. 首先是理解。

The more you understand about why you are addicted to porn in the first place, and the more you know 你对自己为什么会上瘾的原因了解得越多,你就越知道

The second is mindset manipulation. 二是心态操纵。

Your mindset is key to success for the long term. 心态是长期成功的关键。

The third one is rebooting. 第三个是重启。

The rebooting process is the process of restoring one’s neurotransmitter levels, especially dopamine, 重启过程就是恢复神经递质水平,尤其是多巴胺水平的过程、

to normal levels. 恢复到正常水平。

The way this is achieved is through the abstinence of porn or fantasy. 实现这一目标的方法是戒除幻想。

As time passes, you sprout new receptors. 随着时间的流逝,你会萌发出新的感受器。

And the fourth and final part is rewiring or replacing. 第四也是最后一部分是重新布线或更换。

This part is also known as habit manipulation. 这一部分也被称为习惯操控。

The last step is rewiring your brain. 最后一步是重新连接你的大脑。

When it comes to porn, you’ll have strong impulse pathways and weak decision pathways. 说到pornpornporn,你会有很强的冲动途径和很弱的决策途径。

We will reverse it and weaken the addiction pathways over time. 随着时间的推移,我们将逆转并削弱成瘾途径。

We will then create new, healthy pathways to replace porn with leading to freedom and accelerated living. 然后,我们将创建新的、健康的途径,以取代通往自由和加速生活的途径。

Section 2: The Science Behind Porn Addiction

lesson 1: Porn and Human Brain

In this lesson, we will focus on the relationship between porn and the human brain. 在本课中,我们将重点讨论”porn”与人类大脑之间的关系。

In simple words, the evolution internet porn is a super stimulus like nothing our brains have ever 简单地说,互联网的进化是一种超级刺激,是我们的大脑从未有过的。

seen before. 见过的。

Our brains, which are the same as they have been for thousands of years, have never been exposed to 我们的大脑几千年来都是如此,从未接触过

the stimulating effect of internet porn or anything else like it. 互联网的刺激作用 porn 或其他类似作用。

It is only 15 years old after millions of years of evolution. 经过数百万年的进化,它只有 15 岁。

When you see a girl, your primal brain is programmed to want to reproduce naked women in sight reproduce. 当你看到一个女孩时,你的原始大脑就会想让裸体女人在你眼前繁衍后代。

This is because evolution’s top priority is to make babies. 这是因为进化的首要任务是制造婴儿。

And in modern day, the brain is now exposed to more sexual partners in one week than it would usually 而在现代社会,大脑在一周内接触的性伴侣比通常情况下更多

be exposed to in a lifetime. 一生都会接触到。

The brain doesn’t know if you’re looking at a computer, it sees boobs, it wants to reproduce and then 大脑不知道你是否在看电脑,它看到的是胸部,它想要繁殖,然后

catch it. 抓住它

There is no off button. 没有关闭按钮。

Now we will explain the Coolidge effect in biology and psychology. 现在,我们来解释一下生物学和心理学中的柯立芝效应。

Coolidge Effect is a phenomenon seen in animal species whereby males and the less extent females exhibit 柯立芝效应是动物物种中的一种现象,在这种现象中,雄性动物和较少的雌性动物会表现出

renewed sexual interest if introduced to new receptive sexual partners, even after cessation of sex 即使在停止性生活后,如果有了新的接受性伴侣,也会重新产生性兴趣

Rats mating with the same female also take much longer to porn than when they are with multiple females. 老鼠与同一只雌鼠交配的时间也比与多只雌鼠交配的时间要长得多。

It’s evident from the graph shown that the ejaculation time increases for the same female. 从图中可以看出,同一女性的射精时间会增加。

Essentially the Coolidge effect causes decline sexual interest in the same sexual partner, and increased sexual desire with multiple sexual partners. 从根本上说,柯立芝效应会导致对同一性伴的性兴趣下降,而对多个性伴侣的性兴趣上升。

It also overrides ejaculation every time you are presented with a new partner and to your brain. 它还会在你每次遇到新伴侣时,在你的大脑中推翻射精。

While watching porn, your primal brain, which is also called the limbic brain, gets more and more 在观看时,你的原始大脑(也称为边缘脑)会越来越多地

and more and more sexual partners in only 20 minutes than it ever should. 在短短的 20 分钟内,性伴侣越来越多,这是不应该的。

New videos, new girls, new scenes. 新视频、新女孩、新场景

The brain will never get enough, and the only thing that stops it is ejaculation. 大脑永远不会满足,唯一能阻止它的就是射精。

We all know that this is insanely pleasurable, but you can’t have this synthetic pleasure without a downfall. 我们都知道这是一种令人疯狂的快感,如果没有一个失败。

Now what actually is the limbic brain? 边缘脑究竟是什么?

The limbic brain is the primal part of your brain, which is the emotional, instinctive brain. 边缘脑是大脑的原始部分,是情感和本能的大脑。

It’s where the sexual desires and the Coolidge affect comes from, and it is the origin of all addictions. 这就是性欲和柯立芝影响的来源,也是所有成瘾的起源。

While the prefrontal cortex controls our thoughts and understands the consequences of actions, the 前额叶皮层控制我们的思想并了解行动的后果,而后额叶皮层则控制我们的行为。

limbic brain does not. 边缘脑则不然。

The limbic brain is all about avoiding pain and feeling pleasure. 边缘脑的作用就是避免痛苦和感受快乐。

Inside the limbic brain, you will find the reward center or circuit. 在边缘脑内,你会发现奖赏中心或回路。

This is very important. 这一点非常重要。

When you are addicted to something like porn, this is where it starts. 当你沉迷于类似于”porn”的东西时,这就是它的开始。

The rule of the brain is when you do something, you must be rewarded. 大脑的规则是,当你做了一件事,你必须得到回报。

It wants you to seek reward and simple pleasures to eat, bond, fall in love and things like this. 它想让你寻求回报和简单的快乐,比如吃东西、结交朋友、谈恋爱等等。

lesson 2: Interesting Facts about Porn Addiction

In this lesson, we will give you more detail about porn and the human brain, some interesting research and facts about porn addiction.

First of all, what is dopamine?

Dopamine is the feel good neurotransmitter.

You get it when you eat, when you see a hot girl and yes, when you watch porn.

Dopamine is the gas that turns the reward circuitry on.

And at the core level, you don’t crave the food or porn, but you crave the dopamine spike that it produces.

It’s behind all motivation to do anything.

And the bigger the surge of dopamine a stimulus gives you, the more you want it.

Novelty is dopamine’s best friend.

Novelty means the newest movie and never ending porn scenes.

Dopamine is the whole driving force for the Coolidge effect in rats.

The reward circuits were stimulated more and more with each new partner, and they don’t have a prefrontal cortex to stop it.

With each new video you watch, a new boost in dopamine is excreted.

This feels great, but it’s unnatural, like a never ending source of free drugs in your hands.

It causes intense overindulgence.

It’s your brain’s primary instinct to do so.

What this causes is eventual dopamine imbalances.

Like drugs, gambling, or other addictions, porn addiction changes your brain in the exact same way.

Porn raises dopamine higher than eating and sex.

And while you can’t just eat forever, you can watch porn for as long as you physically can.

porn also keeps your dopamine elevated at this higher level for much longer than sex ever could.


The graph in the video shows the dopamine release level comparison of nicotine, morphine, amphetamine, cocaine, food, sex and porn, hence highly stimulating plus novelty plus unlimited supply plus ignorant bingeing equals porn addiction.

So what is the result of porn addiction?

As men become sensitized to porn and multiple partners on the screen, men become disinterested in real life sex with one woman like watching the same porn scene over and over. It’s just boring.

The reward circuitry and dopamine levels become numb.

In the synapses, the large volumes of dopamine being released causes the dopamine receptors to downregulate to account it.

Over time, this becomes the norm and receptors die off.

This leads to a numbed pleasure response.

This lack in receptors causes a need for unnatural dopamine searches.

This is seen in math addicts, cocaine addicts and yes, porn users.

This leads to the need for more better porn, more scenes, more girls, kinky porn and more.

Some people even turn to gay porn, and eventually without it, you can’t get an erection.

You can’t come.

Or you’re just plain bored.

And it doesn’t end here.

This trickles off into everyday life.

Things become bland.

Life becomes dull.

Your dopamine receptors are so fried that nothing has any joy to it anymore.

This is where the lack of motivation and lust for comes from.

Most guys who stop watching porn talk about this huge zest for life.

They get back, you’ll feel it soon.

It’s all chemical.

It’s the brain restoring to its normal sensitivity level, like rebooting.

This is why so many porn users experience depression and anxiety and not realizing what the real problem is.

They go on dangerous medications that mess them up even more.

It’s a disaster.

And until the dopamine receptors bounce back after a period of healing or withdrawal, the pleasure will not return.

And the earlier you start watching, the worse it is.

If you start at 14, you’ll have chemical imbalances in your brain at 22.

According to Canadian researcher Dr. Simon Laziness, most boys start viewing porn around the age of ten.

How this will affect you is all based on the individual.

For me, it was a wicked anxiety disorder.

Marc Summers, who wrote a book 98 Ways to Stop Masturbating, had the same issue.

After quitting porn, the anxiety diminished.

Yeah, it took a long time for me, but I was messing my brain up for over ten years.

I know this is pretty technical.

Are you still not convinced to get rid of this addiction?

Shockingly, when researchers looked at two different brain scans, one from a man who orgasm to porn and one who orgasm while having sex.

The results were scary.

The brain scans of the man who orgasm while having sex showed his brain lighting up in areas of compassion and love, while the brain scans of the man who orgasm to porn show his brain lighting up in completely different areas.

The parts of the brain lighting up were the addiction pathways, the same parts of the brain that light up when someone shoots up heroin.

Detail about this research can be seen in Valerie Boone’s study and

The study concluded that compulsive porn users react to porn cues in the exact same way that drug addicts react to drug cues.

But there’s more.

Compulsive porn users were found to crave porn but did not have higher sexual desire than controls.

They only craved the screen.

Let’s look at some more interesting facts about porn addiction.

If you don’t believe in porn addiction, then you haven’t tried stopping.

This second, over 30,000 people are viewing porn.

42.7% of all Internet users view porn.

56% of divorces involve one person having a problematic interest in porn.

Men are six times more likely than women to get addicted to porn, but 17% of women are still addicts

Each day there are 68 million daily porn search engine requests, which accounts for a quarter of all searches.

Amazingly, the Internet porn industry posts revenue larger than the combined revenues of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix.

And Utah has the highest porn consumption rate per capita.

These stats are taken from Chris Haven’s Web site

Hope this lesson has been beneficial.

It is the last lesson in this section of the course.

Beginning in our next news section, we will explain how to know whether or not you are a porn addict.

We will explain the disadvantages of porn addiction, some examples of porn addicts.

And then what are the benefits of getting rid of porn addiction?

Section 3: Signs/Disadvantages of Porn Addiction & Advantages of Quitting

lesson 1: How to know whether you are porn addict

Hey there.

Welcome to the third section of our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we’ll explain how to know whether or not you are a porn addict.

So if you’ve enrolled in the course and you’re still not sure if you are an addict or thinking about bailing, ask yourself these questions.

These are typical of any addiction tests.

Has your use or tolerance increased over time?

When you stop viewing, do you experience physical or emotional withdrawal?

Do you do it regardless of negative consequences like relationship with girlfriend, wife, health issues, social life problem?

Do you get angry when confronted about porn addiction?

Have you ever postponed an activity to watch porn?

Do you spend significant time watching porn and have to conceal your porn use?

Do you desire to stop watching porn?

But can do you enjoy porn more than sex?

If a beautiful woman asks you to take your clothes off right now, would you have any sexual anxiety whatsoever?

If you can answer yes to most of these questions, then you are most likely addicted to porn.

But you’re here already.

So let’s make that a thing of the past.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we’re going to spend some time focusing on the question why you should quit porn.

lesson 2: Why you should quit porn.

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we’ll focus on the question why you should quit porn.

I don’t think there’s anyone taking this course who is unsure of whether or not they have an addiction.

And porn addiction, in my opinion, is one of the hardest addictions to beat.

It may not be more intense than cocaine or heroin, but the availability of it and the normalcy associated with it makes it extremely challenging to stop.

In the world we live in, you’re looked at as being weird if you don’t watch porn, it’s crazy.

But for our sake, it’s a good thing.

And the number one reason to quit: I’d rather be in the 1% of guys who have actual emotional and sexual intelligence than in the 99% of dopamine desensitized sex zombies.

And boy, does sex feel good off porn.

This is only one major improvements I’ve noticed since beating my porn addiction.

So let’s look at why you should quit porn, some symptoms and how to assess if you’re addicted or not.

I know you already want to quit porn.

You’ve enrolled in this course after all.

But for motivation, check out my top reasons to quit watching porn.

Number one, the best version of yourself doesn’t watch porn.

I know the best version of yourself is not a real man, but do you think the character James Bond is watching porn in between killing bad guys and slaying gorgeous women?

Do you think George Clooney and Brad Pitt were spending hours streaming porn in their trailers on the sets of Ocean’s 13?

There’s not a chance.

Guys who live lives that you envy get girls you want and carry themselves like

you should, don’t waste their time jerking off to the internet.

They are ambitious.

They approach women and are smooth when they do so.

Number two, porn makes you lazy.

Men no longer have to make any attempt at fulfilling their sexuality.

It is the worst thing that ever happened to the race.

Men used to go out of their way to win the hearts of women they wanted.

They used to be romantic and bold.

Now they just stay home and spend countless hours surfing Internet porn instead.

Number three, porn strips you of your desire for improvement.

There is no reason to go to the gym.

There is no reason to do your hair and make yourself look good.

Porn will never reject you no matter how you look.

And regardless of how much money you make.

There is no primal need to impress the opposite sex in order to fill a man’s instinctive need for loss.

Men let themselves go and lurk their house in their underwear.

Number four, porn causes insecurity.

porn sets unrealistic standards for men.

To be in porn, men must have abnormally large talent.

Men who watch porn consistently grow to see that as the norm and themselves as inadequate.

It’s a slippery slope because this insecurity keeps men from having sex with women, in turn driving them deeper into porn use.

Number five Many men find porn more stimulating than sex.

porn is now so fantastically HD with every sexual fantasy imaginable at the click of a mouse.

The pleasure of watching porn is starting to overtake the pleasure of actual sex.

If it hasn’t already done so, this is a very dangerous line.

In the next video lesson, we will cover some examples of porn addicts who have this problem.

Number six, porn causes erectile dysfunction.

Because of reason four that is insecurity and reason five that is finding porn more stimulating than sex, porn causes erectile disfunction in an enormous amount of men.

Porn becomes the only thing that can stimulate them because of the intense visual experience it offers the brain.

This experience is unnatural and real sex become bland and unstimulated.

Number seven porn destroys relationships.

Yes, guys can watch porn and still be good with women and even have girlfriends, but at some point it hinders the relationship.

Women don’t know how to handle their husbands or boyfriends with porn addiction and feel extremely insulted by their porn use.

Even if you’re not aware of it.

Number eight The Inferiority Complex.

Porn creates an inferiority complex.

When you watch porn, you are watching other men have sex with women you wish you could.

This and the fact that they are so well-endowed creates a subconscious inferiority complex to all men.

That’s going to wrap this lesson.

In the next lesson, we’ll cover three examples of porn addicts who have posted online about their addiction.

in their online posts.

People have mentioned that pleasure of watching porn have overtaken the pleasure of actual sex.

lesson 3: Benefits of getting rid of porn addiction.

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we will explain the benefits of getting rid of porn addiction.

Number one, after quitting porn, you’ll have improved self-confidence and sexual confidence.

Porn addicts are notorious for having zero sexual confidence.

Why would you, when you’re watching guys with abnormal size penises have sex with abnormally hot girls, your manhood most likely doesn’t match up.

And getting undressed in front of a girl can become crippling.

This is unacceptable.

When you stop watching porn, sexual confidence is one of the greatest gifts you get back.

Number two, after quitting porn, you will have a better self-image.

I don’t believe any porn viewer has a strong enough self-image to stand the test of time.

If you experience guilt or shame on a daily basis, then that is eating away at your moral fiber.

I never want to experience guilt or shame again in my life, and I never want to be doing something that I would be ashamed about if I got caught.

In fact, the true measure of a man is seen in what he does behind closed doors.

Number three, after quitting porn, you will have more motivation.

Guys who quit porn notice a huge increase in motivation.

Scientifically, this is due to dopamine receptors sensitizing back to normal.

Remember, dopamine is the motivating neurotransmitter that gets you up to seek reward.

Number four, after quitting porn, you will have improved social life.

This goes along with losing social anxiety.

Guys who quit porn report that women look at them different and respond better to them.

They say their voice deepens and they have more confidence and they become more socially outgoing.

Number five After quitting porn, you will have increased happiness.

When your dopamine is regulated, you find joy in everyday life.

This is huge.

Life shouldn’t be dull and simply waking up can feel like a gift.

Number six, after quitting porn, you will have a reduction in anxiety and depression.

This is a huge benefit.

Many people have anxiety and depression simply because their neurotransmitters are out of whack from porn.

Many men like myself find that anxiety, depression and other stuff of this nature gets better or goes away completely after quitting.

Number seven, after quitting porn, you will find women more attractive.

I think the greatest gift of living a porn free life is how you start to perceive women around you.

After months free of porn, your attraction to women will go through the roof.

It is truly remarkable.

Just the sight of a woman’s skin will turn you on and you will start to notice women you once found unattractive.

Number eight After quitting porn, you will be better with women.

This should be reason enough for anyone to stop watching internet porn.

I promise you that after months of no porn and even better no masturbation, you will be out of necessity better with women.

And not just a little better, but a lot better.

Best off, you will crave women instead of craving your favorite videos.

What’s the first thing you do when you get horny?

Grab the laptop.

Imagine if this was no longer an option.

You would crave your girlfriend, wife or the new hottie are going to go out and meet.

Number nine after quitting porn, sex will be more satisfying.

Instead of having erectile dysfunction and not finding sex as satisfying as porn, you will be the opposite.

After months without porn in your life, your pleasure during sex will skyrocket.

You will have better, harder erections with women just touching a woman’s skin will be enough to get you rock hard.

Your intimacy levels during sex will be something that you never experienced before.

If you are like most men who started porn at an extremely young age, you have probably never even experienced intense intimacy.

You will also be much better at sex itself.

You’ll be more in touch with the woman’s body and your own.

You won’t have any performance anxiety issues, and your sexual freedom and spirituality will increase.

Sex can be the greatest experience.

You just need to lose the porn.

Number ten After quitting porn, you are simply be a better version of yourself.

It’s a fact that if you can give up porn, you will be a better version of yourself.

You will think clearer and be less stressed.

You will find women more attractive.

You will be better with women.

Their sex life will improve.

You will have more energy.

Try it.

If it doesn’t work, porn will be waiting for you right where you left it.

Hope this lesson has been beneficial is the last lesson in this section of the course.

Beginning in our next news section, we’ll focus on some rules and steps for quitting porn addiction.

Section 4: Rules and Steps to Quit Porn

lesson 1: Rules to Follow

Hey there.

Welcome to the fourth section of our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, I’m showing you some rules of quitting porn addiction, and you’ll have to promise me that you will follow these rules.

If at any point you break the rules, you can contact me for help.

Don’t be discouraged.

It’s okay.

Everyone fails.

But remember, you have to quit porn addiction.

It’s natural if you fail.

When you fail, look at the rules again and start following it from the point where you are at.

Don’t start from the beginning.

Start from where you left off.

This is very important for quitting porn and rebooting the rules will keep you on track and take away any confusion on what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

Rule number one: Get rid of all porn and set up a porn blocker on your PC phone and tablet.

Look at other lessons of the course for the tools and resources to block porn.

Rule number two: No watching porn of any sort.

This includes internet porn magazine porn or DVD porn not even just looking.

Your eyes do not see porn.

Rule number three: No erotic literature.

When I first quit, I was reading erotic stories and lay reports on pickup artist forums.

It was equally satisfying and not allowed.

It is porn.

Rule number four: No masturbating to anything artificial, no pictures of girls on Facebook, no single boob shots and no better Home and Gardens magazines.

I know that last one’s tough.

Rule number five, no watching porn in your head

As you’ll learn in next lessons, addictive memories are as powerful as the surge of dopamine and circuit building properties, essentially burn them into your brain.

I can remember my favorite porn scenes in my head, like a projector screen playing on the back of my eyeballs.

Masturbating to that is masturbating to porn.

Rule number six: For the first 90 days, no websites that feature hot girl galleries.

Rule number: No masturbating at all.

Never to porn fantasy or anything stated previously in this lesson.

Rule number eight Sex is allowed and encouraged but never fantasize about porn while having sex.

Stay fully present.

You may not be able to come or even get it up at first, but you will get there.

Rule number nine: as long as you are trying, never feel guilty about a relapse.

Guilt and shame only perpetuate the addiction cycle.

And Rule Number ten follow this course for 90 days and follow the rules for life.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we have an exercise of these rules.

Print out the rules in the next exercise.

Sign that printed page and keep it handy.

lesson 2: Steps to Quit Porn: First 4 Steps

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we are going to study about the first four steps to quit porn.

And there is an exercise at the end of step one and at the end of step two.

It’s finally time to quit porn once and for all to move forward with your life, reboot yourself, rewire your brain, and maybe even be reborn.

Some men have never lived an adult life porn free, so these are the steps to live a porn free life.

The first step to quit porn is to decide who you want to be.

This is the first and most important step that most never do.

You clearly care about your life.

You’re watching this lesson right now, so decide who you truly want to be in your life.

Setting a clear vision of who you want to be is a key to succeeding and achieving in any goal.

It works for business, it works for weight loss, and it certainly works for porn free life.

Here is an exercise for you.

Sit down and write down on a piece of paper the ideal version of yourself.

This is an exercise I will give all my clients, even the non porn addicted ones who just want to be successful and improve their lives.

99% of people will never do this in their life.

And then they wonder why there’s a 1% who dominate almost everything.

Because these guys do this stuff.

They know the secrets.

Write down the ideal version of you and keep that around with you.

Be very vivid in detail.

Who are you?

What are you doing?

What do you look like?

How do you feel?


Keep this handy and read it often.

I read mine every week and it gets a little clear over time.

Clarity is success.

Now the second step to quit porn addiction is setting a goal.

In the previous exercise, you described who you want to be in your life.

This is key, but easily forgettable.

So here is another exercise.

In this exercise, what you need to do now is set a goal, write it down, sign it and put it on your wall or somewhere you will see it every day.

You need to make your goals real and make yourself accountable.

Your goals of being porn free might be too revealing to put on your wall, but goals like I am the best version of myself.

I am in control of my life and live to my highest standards or make it goal specific.

I have a smoking hot girlfriend January 2018 or I have been porn free for one year January 2018 and always use the present state, then sign it and either keep it handy or put it on your wall.

This activates your RAS-reticular activating system, a trick of some of the most successful people.

The third step of getting rid of porn addiction is finding your why.

The most important step in ending your porn and masturbation addiction is to simply find your why.

Why do you want to do this?

Most people never want to think about this, and thus they never end their porn addiction.

Have you ever really thought about it?

Like anything in life, you need a why.

The more powerful, the more likely you will succeed.

So why do you want to quit porn?

Are you losing your wife?

Do you want to be the best version of yourself?

Do you want to meet real women and enjoy life?

Find your why and you will succeed.

Make it as deep and emotionally connected as possible.

Find the why that makes you cry.

The fourth step of getting rid of porn addiction is accepting failure as part of the porn quitting process.

Along this journey, you are going to be tempted like never before.

You’re going to struggle.

You are going to fight and through the fire you’re going to come out a better man.

But along the way you’re going to take hits, experienced setbacks and feel discouraged.

Prepare for this now.

I have not known anyone who is truly addicted to porn who can just stop and never look back.

Almost everyone relapses.

The point is, it’s okay.

It’s a natural part of recovery.

And I used to beat myself up about it so bad.

But this guilt is useless.

The guilt you get from masturbating only stacks another negative onto the one you just committed.

It’s useless.

Be okay with your setbacks and understand that as a part of the journey.

The point is, it’s a process and looking at it from an outside perspective is key.

Every time you relapse, just start the counter over and you don’t start back at square one.

You never go back to the start, so don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time.

Every relapse is just a checkpoint in a video game.

You failed, but you never go back to the start.

It starts a new journey and guilt or discouragement won’t help.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we have a lesson on installing porn blockers and getting rid of all the porn.

lesson 3: Steps to Quit Porn: Block Porn

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we are going to study about the fifth and sixth step of getting rid of porn addiction.

The fifth step is get rid of all porn.

This step is an obvious but necessary one.

You cannot keep your porn stash for a rainy day.

This is planning for failure.

You also cannot keep your porn on your PC for easy viewing because you will view it.

Get rid of it all, delete the files, throw away the DVDs, burn the ships.

The six step is install porn blockers.

You being on your laptop alone is the enemy.

But if you’re like myself, you work on a computer and if you’re like 90% of people, you’re a Facebook technology addicted whore.

If you cannot withstand the need to view porn while on the computer, make it super hard to.

Install a porn blocker when you are feeling motivated will make the time when you’re not feeling motivated insanely frustrating for your porn lust.

But it will get you through the craving.

Make it so hard to watch porn that it’s just not worth it.

I’d rather you throw your laptop out the window than cave best porn blockers x3 watch software is awesome.

What it does is sets up easily on all your devices, blocks naughty sites and sends a report to someone you name accountable if you violate it.

This is often more motivation to not watch.

If you don’t have a cool buddy to work with, use Covenant Eyes Software.

Both are the internet accountability software.

If you don’t have an accountable person, you can post a request to our Facebook group for finding one

Unique ways like this to stay motivated rock.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we have three lessons on breaking a bad habit and then replacing it with a good habit.

lesson 4: Habit 101: Part(a)

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we are going to study about the seventh step of getting rid of porn addiction, breaking the habit, and then replacing it.

Okay, this is where you really start to learn the fundamentals, not just for being able to quit porn, but for being able to crush it in every area of your life.

Habit is the core to everything in your life.

You are who you are right now because of an accumulation of small daily habits over time.

While in the moment, watching porn may seem inconsequential to your life.

Built up over the course of years, it is devastating.

I have studied the science of habits for the last year because I teach my clients how to create epic lives through habit manipulation.

In your case, all we have to do is eliminate this one bad habit and replace it with habits that serve you.

And to do that understanding is key.

Let’s look at the basics of ‘Habits 101’.

But before that, remember the ‘Habits 101’ is divided into three lessons.

In this first part, we will learn about how a habit works, how to become aware of your habits and its causes, and how to remove bad habits.

The first part of ‘Habits 101’ is how a habit works.

So a habit works in three steps, trigger response and reward.

For example, your cell phone rings(trigger), you answer it(response), you get to see who called on your phone(Reward), might seem super basic, but this is a habit.

The first time a phone rang, if you didn’t know what it did, you wouldn’t answer it.

And if you did answer it and it shocked you in the ear, no reward, you wouldn’t do it next time.

Porn is a habit.

The trigger is sexual desire.

The response is porn and masturbation and the reward is dopamine, spike and orgasm.

The second part of ‘Habits 101’ is how to become consciously aware of your habit.

The first step towards breaking any habit is to become consciously aware of it and what triggers you to do it.

If you bite your nails often, you would need to become consciously aware of every time you were biting your nails and seek to understand why you were doing it.

You would probably find that every time you were nervous or stressed it would happen.

You found your trigger.

Being consciously aware becomes a habit in itself, leading you to notice, think and stop every time you’re biting your nails instead of doing it aimlessly.

Next time you have the urge to watch porn, really think about why.

What just happened that triggered this need.

You’ll notice a few things.

Number one, boredom.

Boredom will trigger the want and desire to porn almost with 100% efficiency.

Number two, hot girls on the computer.

Seeing hot girls on your PC or TV will trigger the need to watch porn.

Number three, emotions getting in fights, excessive stress or a trauma are all triggers to relapsing into porn use.

It’s all heart, but be conscious that your emotions will often lead you to porn and take action.

The only difference now is that instead of subconsciously feeling your trigger, getting out the tissues and pounding away on yourself, you will now be conscious about it.

This is simply the first step to doing something about it.

So what do you do?

The third part of ‘Habits 101’ is how to remove the bad habit.

The first step is to remove the bad habit.

In our case, the bad habit is watching porn.

How do you do this?

A. Remove your bad habit by eliminate the triggers.

The first step to eliminating this bad habit is to eliminate the triggers that cause it.

Yes, this will be everything at first from a naked girl on your computer to a commercial with an old lady in it, and most importantly, boredom.

But the point is, you now know your triggers.

They will be different to everyone.

But boredom and hot girls is universal.

Who knows?

Mrs. Butterworth might be a trigger for you.

Start buying Aunt Jemima.

Now, how to eliminate your triggers.

Eliminate your triggers by avoiding boredom.

Avoiding boredom is key.

You alone with your laptop is a recipe for disaster.

You will cave.

If you consciously find yourself in this situation before you give your brain a chance

to register an urge, get up, shower and leave the house.

Just go somewhere.

We will talk more about adopting positive habits in a bit, so start doing those.

Examples are working out yoga, sports, walks, socializing, find stuff on, just be active.

Not only will you not be watching porn, but you’ll be getting cooler and more interesting.

That’s why this is a guide to crushing it in life by quitting porn, not just quitting.

Eliminate your triggers by eliminating hot girls on your computer.

Hot girls are a huge trigger.

So guess what?

No more browsing sites like www The Chive com and no more porn or porn like sites.

This one’s obvious.

Eliminate your triggers by emotions.

Emotions will happen.

You can’t escape this one, short of being a super awesome yogi who meditates twice a day.

You might be, who knows?

But shit happens, work is stressful and god forbid anything happened to a loved one.

These are going to be testing times, even if it’s just stress or feeling porn about yourself.

Learn about dealing with stress naturally.

Start eating healthy, running daily and meditating.

You don’t have to be a monk to do so.

I wish this was a course on that because I would love to go into detail about all of it.

Just self-educate.

Google’s a hell of a place.

B. Remove your bad habit by shaping your environment.

The best trick for eliminating bad habits and creating new habits is to shape your environment for success.

If you wanted to lose weight, having a bowl of M&M on your counter wouldn’t be smart, would it?

Chances are you’ll be eating M&M every hour of the day.

We are humans, and we need to account for our primal lust for things that serve us instantaneously, regardless of the long term consequences.

This works for good habits as well.

If you want to form a habit of working out, then having posters of rich people on your wall, keeping fitness magazines in the bathroom and laying your workout clothes out overnight for your morning run would be shaping our environment for success.

So the same goes with porn.

Get rid of anything porn like in your house.

Block all porn and semi adult sites like www com and things like that.

Get rid of your laptop if you have to.

No girlie magazines laying around.

And cancel your Cinemax.

You are human and you cannot resist the temptation if it’s there.

This is why so many people fail.

lesson 5: Habit 101: Part(b)

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction and the previous lesson.

We have started the seventh step of getting rid of porn addiction, breaking the habit, and then replacing it.

We then started the basics of ‘Habits 101’.

In the previous part of ‘Habits 101’, we learned about how a habit works, how to become aware of your habits and its causes, and how to remove bad habits.

In this lesson, we will learn about the fourth part of ‘Habits 101’ The fourth part of ‘Habits 101’ is how to replace bad habits with good ones.

Simply removing porn from your life is not enough.

If you don’t replace it with new, more rewarding habits, you will go back.

That’s why this course is so different and in my opinion, far more effective than any other.

You must rewire your brain.

Replacing bad habits with good ones is an art, and most people don’t know how to do it.

The first step is obvious to become consciously aware of your bad habits, remove temptations and shape your environment.

This will help get rid of your old habit.

But what will be there in replacement?


Which is why many people never truly quit their old habit.

So how do you form good habits?

The steps are.

A) form a good habit by habit stacking.

Habit stacking is a powerful technique used by the pros to program a new habit where one already exists.

For example, if you want to start getting fit, an example of habit stacking would be to do 15 pushups.

Every time the phone rang or a commercial came on.

You’re taking a trigger that already happens daily in your life and stacking a positive habit on top of it.

It can be two positive habits, like brushing your teeth and stacking flossing on top, or it can be a bad habit with a good habit, like watching porn and exercising.

Imagine if every time you got the immense craving to watch porn, you first became consciously aware of that craving, simply observed it, and really admired how powerful it is, and then use that energy to do 100 push ups.

Not only would you be porn free, but you’d be jacked in three months.

Habit stacking is a beautiful thing and now you can reap its benefits in any area of your life you choose.

Here is an exercise for you.

Really stop to think about what your triggers are and habits you want in your life.

This is very personal.

Write them out on paper.

Form a good habit by starting small.

A key of habit creation is starting small.

It allows you to solidify them without fail.

For example, if you want to make exercising a habit, simply do one push up every time you get a craving or just every morning in general.

That’s it.

Sounds crazy?

This works.

After a month you will be doing that automatically and it’s so easy you won’t fall off track.

All you have to do now is add to your already created habit.

Start doing one more pushups every day after a month, then start running.

Who knows?

You may be doing marathons in a year.

This is how growth happens, not from the big goals, but from the small daily goals that you complete over and over.

Try setting small goals like I won’t watch porn on Mondays, then Monday, Wednesday than weekdays.

For some, this tapering off is highly effective.

Then just take it one week at a time.

Form a good habit by shaping your environment.

We talked about this before in how to Cut Bad Habits, but let’s just recap.

When shaping your environment to avoid porn, the first step is to obviously remove all porn, then shape your environment to avoid triggers.

No hot girl magazines or posters on your wall.

Remove the lotions and tissue boxes from next to your bed and move your laptop to a permanently isolated location.

Be creative based on your needs and situation, then shape your environments to encourage your new habits you want to form.

Form a good habit by adding core habits first.

As you’ll learn later, there are certain core habits that are the most important to form.

By forming these first, everything else will roll off and compliment them, making the whole process a lot easier.

Let’s take one of the core habits exercise, for example.

You know that when you have a core habit of exercise going, everything rolls off it.

What I mean is when you get a good workout done in the a.m., you are naturally more energetic throughout the day.

You’re less stressed, so you have less stress induced bad habits like porn.

You can eat better because you feel better and you’re more likely to make good decisions.

Solidify the core habits, and the rest will take care of itself.

And remember, start small, solidify that habit of just one push up every morning without failure.

Then you can add onto your already solidified habit.

So every time you get a craving, do a replacement habit instead.

Do this for months and allow your brain to rewire.

Form a good habit by making them identity based.

This is a great tip I picked up from and it’s all about making habit stick over time.

No good having a habit for a month and then losing it.

The trick is to make them identity based.

For example, if you don’t believe that you are a person who can be free from porn, then you probably won’t stick to your habits that will allow you to do so.

So instead of being John, the porn addict who is going to try stop watching porn, decide who you want to be.

Assume that identity and become it.

Like John, the ladies man who doesn’t have to watch porn because he is the man.

Figure out who you want to be.

Then adopt this identity.

How? You must keep proving to yourself that you are this person by starting small and getting those little wins.

Can you abstain from viewing porn tomorrow?

If you did it, then you are proving to yourself that you are the type of person who can do this.

Just keep going.

Then do this for your new positive habits you are trying to form in place of porn as well.

For example, associating yourself as an athlete will help you stick to exercising habits big time.

Being a non-athletic who is trying to exercise won’t work.

Here’s another exercise for you.

Write down on a piece of paper the ideal version of yourself.

What are you doing?

Who are you with?

How do you feel?

Be very detailed.

Then assume this identity.

It might be forced at first, but in a month you will feel like this person because you are.

You may not have the girl yet, but she’s coming.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we’ll explain the part F of forming a good habit.

And then fifth and sixth part of ‘Habit 101’.

lesson 6: Habit 101: Part(c)

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In the previous lesson, we started the fourth part of ‘Habit 101’.

The fourth part of ‘Habit 101’ is how to replace bad habits with good ones.

We learned the two parts to form a good habit.

In this lesson, we will learn about the part F of forming a good habit, and then we will learn about the fifth and sixth part of ‘Habit 101’.

F. Form a good habit by lifestyle changes over monumental movements.

This last step is key to sticking to your new habits and staying on course.

Saying to yourself, okay, tomorrow I will never watch porn again is not the best approach to this.

It’s like how people say, okay, for the new year, I’m going to lose 50 pounds.

Then they don’t.

It’s because there is no context to this goal in three weeks or goal will still be to lose 50 pounds.

And by this point you’ll be fed up.

Have a big goal.

Yes, as we did an exercise, too.

If you have not done exercise too, it’s okay.

If not, write down your goals, sign it and put it on your wall.

But then only focus on what you can do today and the lifestyle changes you can make to have your goal become automatic.

So instead of losing 50 pounds, your goal should be to not eat sugar today and to go for a run tomorrow morning.

If you can make these habits stick, the 50 pounds will lose itself.

So for porn, your goal should be to never watch porn again.

It’s intimidating.

Set your goals to block your porn and get out more lifestyle changes and just aim to not watch porn this week.

Then next week decide if you want to keep going and then for other habits say, okay, I’m going to meditate every morning this week for 5 minutes.

52 of these small wins and lifestyle changes and you will be porn free for a year and a completely different person.

Remember, it’s the micro decisions that shape who you are.

Every time you are faced with a choice throughout the day, it is a crossroads that will affect you forever, no matter how small.

Choosing to eat that Twinkie or watch porn may seem small now, but multiply that small decision 365, it’s huge.

The fifth part of ‘habit 101’ is automation of habit.

The key to success is to make your new habits automated, to make them subconscious.

Then you will no longer gravitate towards porn, but you will make healthy choices and be a growing man naturally.

Not only is all this the key to not watching porn, but it’s the key to success.

How do you automated time and repetition?

Nothing fancy, just small daily wins over and over and over.

Just you versus the day and winning the battle to not watch porn each day and strapping up for battle tomorrow.

Then choosing to follow your healthy habits by starting extremely small and building up over time.

In one year you will be a new man.

Trust me, I thought I would never get over porn, but now I rarely think about it.

When I do, I get urges, but it’s not a challenge to do something else because my brain is reprogrammed and rewired to do so.

The six part of ‘Habit 101’ is how to adopt good habits.

I’m not going to leave you hanging.

Part of quitting porn is moving on to live an epic life.

As you now know, success is 100% based on your habits.

I have talked about this a lot already, but in short, successful people get where they are because of the micro decisions, habits they make daily, over and over.

These small decisions seem like nothing in the moment, but they are everything.

Unsuccessful people do the same thing, but their micro decisions are to watch TV, not go to the gym, eat fast food, et cetera.

I’ve talked to you a lot about not only quitting porn, but replacing porn with habits that will make you ooze success.

What are these habits?

Here are a few.

Meditation exercise, healthy eating, cold showers, waking up early in the morning routine, hydrating, approaching women and self educating, reading, podcast, et cetera. just to name a few.

These are some amazing core habits.

If you could do one of these every time you got a craving and solidify that as a habit, how life changing would that be?

And the best part is these are based starter habits, meaning that if you can apply them all, other smaller habits run off of them and happen naturally.

They are the ultimate foundation.

Two of them are in Richard Branson’s and Tony Robbins’ top three exercises and self educate things to do daily for success.

I want you to have these all as automated habits so that you don’t have to think about it.

Now here is a recap to step seven.

To recap step seven, just remember the key to quitting porn for good is to recognize that your triggers.

For some people, triggers are most likely stress and boredom.

Recognize the triggers and then become consciously aware of when those triggers are occurring and then choose and program good habits to adopt during those triggers.

It’s all about having that game plan choose what habits you would like to replace with porn now.

Be ready to use them then.

When you feel that craving and recognize that trigger, do that positive habit instead.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we have a lesson on getting accountability, visualizing success daily, and breaking addictive thought patterns.

lesson 7: Steps to Quit Porn: Last 3 Steps

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we are going to study about the eighth, ninth and tenth step of getting rid of porn addiction.

The eighth step of getting rid of porn addiction is getting accountability.

That seventh step was a long one, but it’s the backbone of the whole program.

Let’s move on.

Accountability is key.

I highly suggest getting an accountability buddy, someone who also wants to quit watching porn.

You can find people in our Facebook group hold each other accountable.

And if you’re up for it, get the porn blocker from

That will let you view porn but sends an email to your accountability buddy.

Every time you do.

The guilt in this may be more powerful than anything.

It would be quite embarrassing for him to wake up to 25 email alerts for the previous night.

If you don’t want to share what you are doing with anyone or don’t have any friends as motivated and badass as you then seek out an online community.

These are full of guys who are chasing the same dream and can be very encouraging.

Just be cautious of too much time on the laptop.

The best one is Reddit NoFap Community.

The ninth step of getting rid of porn addiction is visualizing success daily.

Visualization is so powerful, which is why it’s one of the most recommended practices of successful giants.

In our case, I want you to visualize being a man free from the temptation and power of porn every day.

I want you to see yourself walking around the streets, vibrant and confident, winking at the girls, seeing guys on their laptops watching porn and simply nodding your head saying, Poor fella.

Do this every day for 5 minutes in the AM and 5 minutes before bed.

You can do it during a craving as well.

But more on that later.

The 10th step of getting rid of porn addiction is breaking addictive thought patterns.

This is the most exciting and revolutionary part of this course, but it might be a little far out for some.

This is not necessary for recovery, but it just plain works.

Years ago I suffered with chronic fatigue syndrome on top of my anxiety.

Yeah, I was messed up.

One of the things that keeps people in chronic fatigue is an overactive amygdala and nervous system.

You don’t have any energy because your body is constantly being drained by anxiety, loop and stress.

This anxiety loop happens in your brain with your amygdala, and the exact fatigue you feel becomes what causes your anxiety, which is what makes you fatigued.

Completing the Loop.

The only way to stop it is with an NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programming) pattern breaking technique, and I think this works for porn withdrawal and cravings as well.

It’s kind of in beta testing, you could say, as I didn’t use it during my recovery from porn, but just put it together recently while helping people.

But what it does is it breaks the connection your brain has to a thought and it does it well.

It does it so well that you literally cannot connect to that thought or emotion.

Again, this is how it works for stress.

You sit down in a chair, you close your eyes and put your head down chin against chest.

You think deep into your worries.

Let’s say you’re overwhelmed at work.

You connect to those feelings and feel the stress.

Then you pop out of it.

Look at something high on the wall in front of you.

Focus on that and say, Stop, stop, stop.

Then you take a long, deep breath and give a big smile.

Then congratulate yourself and say, Yes, I did it.

Can you see how this outrageous movement can break a thought?

Well, right afterwards you go back and reconnect the feeling, and then when you connect, you do it again.

Pop your head up, say, stop, stop, stop.

Look up, deep breath and smile.

Then congratulate yourself for doing it.

You do this ten times or until you cannot connect the emotion again.

So eventually you would go down and literally not be able to feel overwhelmed at work.

You just would be like, Yeah, it’s okay, it’s proven and it works.

So I hope I have explained it well.

I wish I could demonstrate it to you.

So applying it to porn goes as such.

When you’re craving and doubt and connect to that desire to watch porn, then pop out and do the whole process.

Repeat until you have disconnect from the craving.

If it’s a certain scene playing in your head, drop your head down and connect to that scene.

See it playing and pop out and do the whole process.

Do it until you put your head down and cannot connect to the scene anymore.

You may have to do this for all your favorite scenes that play in your head, but this truly does break the connection.

Remember, this is not mandatory, but if you want to do it, it’s helpful and practice on things you are stressed about, connect to the stress and then pop out and do the process.

Do it ten times, you’ll get it.

It works and it’s a real life Jedi mind trick you can use for the rest of your life.

So we have explained the ten steps for recovering from a porn addiction.

Pretty simple in actuality, just remember that every day you should be writing down your goals and setting out to achieve them.

It’s small wins over time equals big changes.

That wraps up this lesson in case we haven’t said it lately.

Thank you very much for working through this course and know that we’re wishing you good luck for recovery from a porn addiction.

It is the last lesson in this section of the course.

Next, I’m going to cover what to expect during recovery.

Some important points for not going back again to your porn addiction.

Key things to remember in porn free life and a porn free sample day.

Section 5: During Porn Free Life

lesson 1: Expectations During Recovery

Hey there.

Welcome to the fifth section of our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we will study about the expectations that during recovery, recovery is a long process.

And what’s important to note is that everyone is different.

But there are some things that do apply to all and you must know them if you are eager to get to the finish line.

Important point number one is that duration of getting rid varies.

How long it takes you to rid your habit and porn addiction is totally dependent on the individual.

How early of an age you started, how long you have been doing it, and how often you do it are all factors that come into play.

It will be harder the earlier you started viewing.

Sadly, for most 25 years old, viewing age is around ten.

But this is why the sooner you start, the sooner your brain will start healing and normalizing its dopamine levels.

Some guys feel great in two weeks.

Other guys are what’s known as long rebounders and they take up to six months.

Listen, the brain has to heal.

It is elastic and will.

But this does not happen in days.

I would say that it’s not fully done for up to a year, but you may start to feel great right away.

Important point number two is that relapse is normal.

Again, it’s normal.

Try not to.

But if you do, just start fresh.

No guilt, no worries, no regrets.

Important point number three is that every little porn glimpse hurts.

This is important.

During the rebooting process you are to have zero access to stimulation.

You must abstain.

This is why it’s best to even abstain from masturbation for the first month.

Every single time a porn image enters your head, dopamine is being released and it strengthens your addiction pathways.

The goal is to weaken your addiction pathways to the point that they have no pull over you and strengthen your new healthy habit pathway so you are a boss.

Again, it’s small battles all day long.

If you have porn, come up in your head.

Just try the pattern breaking technique about which we learned in section four or simply shake it away and do something else.

Every time that happens and you ignore it, you have had a small win.

Those wins add up.

Every time you give in and think about it, touch yourself or even watch some videos.

You give the addiction pathway a little bit more juice to stay alive.

Obviously, it’s a three steps forward, two steps back deal, but just try to win as many battles as you can and then congratulate yourself when you do.

Important point number four is flat lines.

Flat lines are what the postpone world knows as the point in your recovery where all desire for sex is gone.

No morning would no lost, no care.

It’s a flat line.

You are sexually dead.

A lot of guys feel this.

Some for weeks, some for months, some on and off.

Don’t be alarmed when you do, it’s normal and will go away.

Important point number five is withdrawals.

This is another varying topic.

Some guys are better in weeks, no withdrawals, but some guys experience withdrawal.

I was one.

Listen, you are on a drug for ten plus years.

Then you stop any other drug and your brain would go nuts and you’d have withdrawal.

So with porn it’s not much different.

Withdrawal can be mild or it can be intense depression, anxiety and things like this.

I’m not saying this to scare you and don’t expect it.

Just don’t freak out if it happens.

I was very anxious and depressed when I stopped.

I had no dopamine receptors and nothing flooding my brain with dopamine.

You have to go through this.

It’s during this time that the brain is repairing.

It will pass.

If you’re like this, just come and listen to this.

Because in that state it feels like the end of the world.

Like it will never go away.

But it will.

It has for everyone.

Troop it out.

Important point number six is regaining sensitivity.

A question I get often is when will my bonus come back?

This also varies some guys right away and some guys it takes a while.

Most guys quit because of porn induced erectile dysfunction, so it’s exciting when your sensation comes back.

And after a year, just touching a girl’s skin will make you hard as diamonds and sex, forget about it, it’s amazing.

You’re then searched for courses on how to stop premature ejaculation and become a multi orgasmic man.

Many men have never had porn free sex.

They started watching when they were ten and start having sex at 18+.

In my opinion, someone like this has never had true sex and that can be encouraging and something to look forward to if you can relate to that.

Important point number seven is that don’t be discouraged if you have porn dreams.

After two months I started watching porn in my sleep.

Seriously, I had all sorts of porn where I was literally in front of a computer watching porn.

It used to get me down.

I did all this hard work during waking hours and then relapsed in my sleep.

I thought I would never recover, but I did.

So if it happens, don’t worry.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we have a lesson on some important points for not going back again to your porn addiction.

lesson 2: Never Going Back Again!

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we’ll focus on some important points for not going back again to your porn addiction.

Everything you just read is useless if in three years you go back to your porn addiction.

You may do really well and in nine months be completely porn free.

But that doesn’t mean that you’re killing it in life yet.

Have a superhot girlfriend or are completely over porn.

Like me, for example, after quitting porn and masturbation, I didn’t have sex for over a year.

I was living at home, engulfed and building a business and hadn’t yet developed my skill set with women.

Many guys will experience this.

It’s much easier with a wife or girlfriend.

So how on earth do you stay free?

Here are some points for not going back again.

Point one is when you feel a craving.


Oh, they will come and with a vengeance it will be like you have lost control of your hand and before you know it, it happened.

It literally is your brain taking control.

It’s scary, but if you prepared, you will win.

When you feel a craving, accept failure as a reality.

Once again, this keeps coming back up.

A relapse that’s only one hour long is not as bad as a relapse that makes you feel like porn and give up, resulting in years more of porn use.

When you fall off the horse, just get back on.

When you feel a craving, look at what you wrote down.

Remember that exercise where you wrote down exactly who you want to be.

This is who you are.

Believe this.

When you feel a craving, you want to get out of the piece of paper and read it.

Let it sink in.

Sometimes this is all the motivation you need to turn around and leave the room.

Then look at the exercise where you wrote down your goals and remember why you’re doing this.

Then remember the third step of getting rid of porn addiction in section four?

The third step was to decide why you want to end your porn addiction.

If it was to save your marriage, then just remember why you’re doing this.

It’s so easy to forget when your dopamine receptors have hijacked your brain.

Remind yourself every time.

When you feel a craving, do the visualization exercise.

This is a mental hack that I apply to every area of my life.

Ever felt lazy and not want to go to work out?

Ever see a cute girl and been too nervous to walk up and say hello?

Ever want to watch porn but you know you should stop?

I feel this stuff all the time.

Everyone does.

The difference is some act on it and some submit.

Here is the visualization exercise you must do.

What I do is I simply close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and ask myself, what would the best version of me right now again?

What would the ideal guy do in this moment?

I mean, the guy that you described in the exercise in Section four.

I mean, the ideal version of yourself.

Then visualize you standing up from where you are and being that guy.

This works so well.

Visualize yourself standing up, closing the laptop and going for a run or meditating.

When you feel a craving, do your newly formed habit.

Over this 90 day period, you are going to be creating multiple habits, meditation, running, et cetera.

When you feel a craving, don’t fight it.

Your brain wants dopamine.

You won’t win.

So give it dopamine.

Get up and do something.

Go run.

Workout, meditate, sing, dance.

Just get away from that laptop.

I truly don’t think you can do this without adopting new habits.

Don’t just aim to quit porn.

Aim to quit mediocrity.

The second point to remember for not going back again is develop other areas of your life.

If you have no sex life and you’re quitting porn to become a man and start actually talking to girls, this is awesome.

But know that there will be a lapse where you’re not getting any.

This is okay.

You must use it as fuel.

You must use it to get your ass off the couch and learn to pick up and approach girls.

Learn online dating techniques, learn the inner game concepts, and learn to be an authentically awesome guy who is living his purpose and giving his gifts fully to the world without the need for approval or anything back.

This is what an attractive man looks like.

The third point to remember for not going back again is workout, eat healthy and crush it.

You have all the tools to crush life now.

Make sure you’re putting in the effort and getting those healthy habits in.

It will make quitting porn so much easier.

Trying to do it while laying around and being lame is almost impossible.

Objects in motion.

Stay in motion.

Get up.

Get out.

Get whatever the hell you want.

If you truly replace porn with positive habits, you will succeed.

It’s the guys who just tried to lose porn and stay in their low performing lifestyle that return to it.

And on top of quitting for good, you will succeed in every other area of your life.

That’s it for this lesson.

Next, we have a lesson on key things to remember during your porn free life.

lesson 3: Key Things to Remember in Porn Free Life

Hey there.

Welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, we will focus on some key things to remember during your porn free life.

Okay, man.

Home stretch.

You know, pretty much everything you need to know about porn addiction, how to quit and how to replace it with awesomeness.

But there’s a couple of key things I want you to remember.

Think big picture.

Live in the moment and enjoy the process.

Point one, think big picture

means you have your goals in mind and how you want to be.

One year from now, two years from now and ten years from now.

Point Two, live in the moment.

Even with those big goals, only worry about what you can do today.

People fail at resolutions and goals because they set a goal to lose 50 pounds instead of focusing on those lifestyle changes.

It’s like saying, okay, starting tomorrow, I’m porn free forever.

Don’t do that.

That’s not how you set goals.

Know who you want to be?

Big picture, but set goals for the day.

Small continuous wins all added up over time.

Just set the goal.


Tomorrow morning I’m going to go for a run.

Or tomorrow I’m going to block all my porn.

Keep chipping away at those day to day goals.

And in one day, you will be a new man.

And point three, enjoy the process.

This is a hell of a life experience, brother.

Enjoy this process and remember where you came from.

If you keep seeking the finish line or waiting to be happy, once you have this or when you do this, you may never be happy.

You may never get there because there is no finish line.

Once you achieve your goals, new goals will and should always take their place.

Life is a never ending journey of growth, and if you’re not growing, you’re dying.

So never seek to be complete.

Know who you want to be.

Do today what you can do to get one step closer and enjoy the process.

Because the journey is your life and it’s often the best part.

Your journey starts today.

The goal is 90 days porn free.

You have the tools.

We will cover some more in the next section.

You have a choice.

Either go cold turkey or taper off for the next month and start then.

It’s a personal decision and both ways work.

Read this when you need it.

Stick to the rules and enjoy your new life.

In the next lesson, we will talk about a porn free sample day.

lesson 4: Porn Free Simple Day

Hello and welcome to our course on how to deal with porn addiction.

In this lesson, you’ll find a sample of what a porn free day could look like, use it as a resource and for motivation, the stars indicate where porn most likely used to be.

Wake up in the morning, follow the morning routine, full glass of water, exercise, cold shower and meditation set and write down goals for the day.

Go to work, come home.

Replacement habits like self, educate, gym, socialize, meet up groups and sports, et cetera.

Decompress, reading or TV.

Now go to bed.

Write down five things you’re grateful for and then sleep.

This is pretty simple and obvious, but I just wanted to show how simple it can be when you get a craving.

Go back and listen to the previous lesson of never going back again and then do something else.

Don’t wait for it to subside.

Get up and go.

Next, you’ll find a printable 30 day checklist.

For the first 30 days, this will help.

I purposely didn’t label it to be discreet so no one will know what you are checking off.

This is powerful for any habit you are trying to keep.

So think about printing multiple labeling them yourself and assigning habits you want to solidify.

At the minimum, print this out and tape it to your wall.

Check it off for each successful day and leave notes about triggers you notice to better help you as you progress.

You can also print the rules to have at your disposal.

Hope this lesson has been beneficial.

It is the last lesson in this section of the course.

Beginning in our next news section, we will focus on tools and resources for quitting porn.

Section 6: Tools & Resources for Quitting Porn Addiction
